Flag: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Registered: December 9, 2020
Last post: September 10, 2022 at 10:17 AM
Posts: 9629
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Because they have a mechanic where when u kill kayo and he falls down and then dies you get the kill, even if someone shoots him, u only dont get the kill if someone deals 850 damage to him while he is on the floor.

So yes they just had to code that on top, it wouldve been less work to make it so that the one who downs him gets the kill

posted about a year ago

FPX returns to lose to 100T

posted about a year ago

How tho lmao?

posted about a year ago

Bosnia (I ranked up from diamond to now almost ascendant 2)

posted about a year ago

this is exactly what I think of when someone tells me that a song is trash

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Cap, name one

posted about a year ago

Come to brazil

posted about a year ago

Sasori was Naruto's best character

posted about a year ago

Lucky for me actually

posted about a year ago

why would it be easier to code lmao?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

surprise by winning a map?

posted about a year ago

Nog when your igl is tier 235784

posted about a year ago

Common andreW tate

posted about a year ago

Let the full tournament and not have time to build a team that can make champs.
Old roster had NO future, there was no need to give them more time dude that roster aint winning anything

The biggest mistake was getting them in the first place when they couldve gotten zander and cryo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fucked over ec1s and babyJ to make champs, u just confirmed that 100T knows what they are doing. Everyone saw that that roater had NO potential at all. Something TSM cant do, they always hold on to their trash players (or trash team chem/roles)

posted about a year ago

And yeah agree with the guard, they basically kicked hiko from the roster (my biggest dream) made a new 100T which then threw them ut of LCQ

posted about a year ago

no org support their player like 100T does
Nadeshot best owner

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Top 3 has one NA team and its 100T on place 1
other 2 NA teams getting grouped KEKW

posted about a year ago

100T is ATLEAST getting top 3

posted about a year ago

aslong as 100T is making international events I will always have something hype

posted about a year ago

Furia, Boom, XSET

posted about a year ago

because CSGO is a one game region, also isnt it like 11 or 14 from EU

posted about a year ago

I literally own you RiotGunBuddy

posted about a year ago

I was asking if there was anything about it

posted about a year ago

making it is making it, some people have to work more for worse grades, not everyone is gifted, let him be proud, its about becoming the best form of yourself not the best

posted about a year ago

what college do you want to go to (asking so I can stab you)

posted about a year ago

Asuna is 5th-10th at best depending on what u value for a player
and even I say that :skull:

posted about a year ago

So we know franchising is coming and that there will be 10 team for each region, but how many international events will we have? And how many teams will participate in them?
If masters is going to be 12 teams again each region sends 4 teams, isnt 4 out of 10 a little bit too much? and then if champs is 16 teams it would probably be 5 teams each region + masters 2 winner or whatever, that would be more than 50 percent of the teams, isnt that a bit bizarre?
Im still exited for franchising but I dont know if the format will get boring over the years, atleast until like 2026 there is an increase of teams each season but idk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I used to be happy

posted about a year ago

I forgot to ask but thanks for telling me

posted about a year ago

agreed, but with trophies Ronaldo has better trophies (if you ignore individual trophies)

posted about a year ago

u mean 2012
Messi had better individual performance but ronaldo won more titles imo

posted about a year ago

I mean yeah all time he is probably number 1 but atm I just feel like crazy good support players are your game changers. Players like suygetsu, marved, shao just bring a different kind of value to the table while also having high fraggs

posted about a year ago

Yeah asuna aint top 10 but he was 19 in total, he was like 6 plaves below zekken, I believe asuna is better than zekken

posted about a year ago

even Sideshow, Wyatt and balla all put Marved about shao, because thats how its supposed to be, realistic. mimi just brought marved all the way down by placing him at 17 or sum shit

posted about a year ago

XSET will go 0-3

posted about a year ago

Marved and shao are pretty even, they both carried their team when it mattered, just fhat marved does it every single tournament. And I know this for a fact. I used to root against optic in so many matchups ans mraved CRUSHED my hopes every single time

posted about a year ago

Im really unsure about prx, Im not quite sure how they will perform, since people now understand how they play

posted about a year ago

Agreed for the past year atleast. All time u gotta put NA a tier over APAC

posted about a year ago

Yes and better than ardiis, and shao is better than ardiis aswell

posted about a year ago

I dont think you understand marveds value

posted about a year ago

Asuna where?
Also marved is SO fucking underrated its insane, eh is easily better than yay imo, everytime Optic is about to lose he is the one stepping up and carrying them through
yay overrated imo

posted about a year ago

Hog rider makes me happy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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