Flag: Mexico
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 6:14 PM
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I know that used to be the case, but I was never part of it; I'm from LATAM myself. I've always supported my latam brothers and sisters.

posted about a year ago

I smurf your peak

posted about a year ago

NA has disappointed me, carry on our will.

Show these eurofucks the strength you gained from beating NRG. Win us that masters slot. Amen.

In Aspas we trust.

posted about a year ago

5 bullets
think in my head: "bro you're not hi-wait nvm you're shao"

posted about a year ago

im just reliving the glory days in my head

posted about a year ago

respect, Saadhak is also top 2 igl. top 1 atm bc of champions win.

posted about a year ago

I keep reading mixed thoughts, like that Brazillians hate him but respect him in a way.

idk pls share your thoughts.

posted about a year ago

bro reached his reading capacity after 5 words lmao

posted about a year ago

bro i wish this was a real team just so I could hear the pain in the caster's voice as they try to explain their movements lmao.

posted about a year ago



just them

posted about a year ago

Bro I cringe anytime they refer to it as this.

How could anyone miss the opportunity to call it Shao-time?

posted about a year ago

ngl, Fnatic has too much firepower, even if someone's underperforming at least one of them is capable of stepping it up

that being said, I used to think the same about 100T, but idk they've looked whiplashed recently--it's like the tilt spreads to all of them at once.

IF 100t can find their form today then I have no doubt that they're the better team, but its not looking likely.

posted about a year ago

Needed a name for one of my characters in Black Desert Online, wanted something to go with the dark sorceress theme so I chose german for "Night" = "Nacht", but thought it didn't sound enough like a name, so I added an "el" to make it feel more real.

posted about a year ago

My money is on Leviatan

posted about a year ago

Duelist/Awper: Yay
Smokes: Zombs
Viper/Sentinel: Marved
Initiator/Entry Raze: Sinatraa
Flex/IGL: Hazed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Random Question: Did you used to play M&B Warband: Napoleonic Wars?

posted about a year ago

Bonecold is same IGL that won Acend Champions. Don't underestimate his impact to the team.

posted about a year ago

I say F/A to mean not currently signed to any org, so could theoretically make a team without any contracts in the way.

posted about a year ago

Awper, Duelist: Yay
Smokes: Marved
Sentinel: ? (Either this or Flex should be IGL)
Initiator: Sinatraa
Flex: ? (Either this role or Sentinel should be IGL)
Coach: sgares or mCe

I can't think of a good IGL not already in a franchised team that could lead this team. To be perfectly honest, I don't like vanity whatsoever--Yay describes him as a less structured IGL, and to me that means he works off momentum too much, and isn't capable of maintaining the necessary stability to keep an international team at a consistent level (Look at their matches vs DRX for example). He relies on chaos too much, but doesn't plan it out to the extent PRX does, and it backfires once a well-disciplined team like DRX simply learns to read and punish his chaotic but unsound strats.

I also can't think of many international level sentinels from NA, maybe there's some good options from EU?

For Flex, assuming it isn't the IGL, I'd imagine Xeppaaa or Subroza, but I'm not entirely confident there.

posted about a year ago

He removed Cloud9 from this twitter bio. I'm starting to think it's not just bait...

posted about a year ago

I'd say more like 4: Ange1, FNS, Saadhak, and Stax no?

posted about a year ago

I'd say more like 4: Ange1, FNS, Saadhak, and Stax

posted about a year ago

Touch grass. Ironically enough, anyone that buys into his "hustler university" nonsense is behaving like the very sheep he makes fun of. You can't be taught to be your own person; if you want to be successful, you have to materialize that success yourself, and stop listening to quacks and scammers.

posted about a year ago

the exchange rate doesn't directly correlate to the purchasing power of either wage in the other's economy. An relatively high NA wage in brazil is the equivelant of a rich wage in Brazil, and the opposite is true.

posted about a year ago

I'm having an aneurysm reading this.

posted about a year ago

victor and crashies refuse to not play together, they're a package deal

posted about a year ago

Somehow I believe you

posted about a year ago

I hope you make it to semifinals. You deserve it after this

posted about a year ago

Ange1 is a world class IGL, NAVI is a team that--while containing world-class aimers--relies on strategy like NRG. There's no way they lose.

posted about a year ago

Now I'm mad we didn't get to see NA's shittiest team beat your second most hyped up team.

posted about a year ago

2? Excuse me we have 4 superteams.

posted about a year ago

Me, I am the one who asked.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic have a few vods of them playing together in the Japan Showmatches they participated in, which may not be perfectly helpful, but may provide insight into what maps they have prepared. Above all, it looks like their haven was already really nasty a few months ago.

Also, historically Fnatic have a hard time learning new maps, (refer to Fnatic vs XSET on Pearl)

A month ago Sentinels barely had any practice, and flat out said they had 0 practice on split prior to the Tarik x Ludwig invitational showmatches.
Even if they've practiced it a lot more since then, I'm not confident in their split and I believe neither are they.

From all this, I'm predicting that Sentinels will ban Haven, Fnatic will ban Pearl. They'll maybe play lotus or split, then if lotus isn't played, fnatic will ban lotus, and sen will ban icebox, and they'll play fracture.

posted about a year ago

no tell me bitch

posted about a year ago

nyaaaa~ nats-kun is the best player in EMEA, and i respect him very much,

but sorry Cryo clears TL.

posted about a year ago

Yes, but moreso because I wanna see what this SKRossi hype is all about. Ayrin was kind of a weak link on XSET, so I don't have many expectations for him specifically.

That being said, I'll support any team that isn't EMEA on that side of the bracket, it'd be funny if they don't even get to play against NA in the end.

posted about a year ago

My guess is that everyone overreacted to Sacy and Pancada leaving. This game is so incredibly sensitive to roster changes, and at the time tuyz and cauanzin only ever looked like "the best LOUD could find" to fill their shoes. Most of everyone considered Brazil a one team region, and with that champions-winning superteam fractured, there was a lot of doubt whether they would be able to reach the same peak they once did with 2 supposedly "tier 2" replacements in peoples' minds.

A good comparison would be Paper Rex: imagine if mindfreak and jinggg left that roster. Would people still consider Paper Rex the same international-level superteam if that happened?

posted about a year ago

nyaaaaa nats-kun

posted about a year ago
  1. NA Teams, cus im in NA
  2. BR team, even tho im LATAM, because aspas is hot and is just fucking better at this game. also because if not for them, NRG would've made it to finals.
  3. TL bc nats
posted about a year ago

I mean my eurocope statistics

posted about a year ago

Thank you, your post will be useful for my statistics...

posted about a year ago

Hello everybody, Nachtel here with your daily EU cope statistics.

Today we have seen 60% less "top EU teams are in Omega bracket" and a 10% increase in "Valorant is a shit game, horrible esport" copes

EU threads on average are down 40%

Thank you.

posted about a year ago

I remember hearing it was a permanent slot at masters, meaning instead of 2 teams from NA qualifying, it would be 3 like in EMEA

posted about a year ago

I don't think any of them are asking lol most of them are just cheering on the americas league.

posted about a year ago

Honestly not even sure why you keep explaining it in every thread I look at.

posted about a year ago

Gen.G Below KC, they did a lot better against LOUD.

posted about a year ago

By virtue of the tournament's design, it's only ever possible for 3 NA teams to make it to the top 4, since one of the semifinals slots is exclusive to a part of the bracket with no NA teams.

posted about a year ago

NA x SA Beat those EMEA shitters

No hard feelings for NRG vs LOUD but im rooting for my former optic boys, but beyond that im rooting for Furia in Omega bracket

posted about a year ago

L Aspas is Brazil's GOAT. Not good with raze? he 1v4d optic on raze. I'm an NA fanboy but he beats most NA duelists.

posted about a year ago
1 •• 97 98 99 100 101