Flag: Australia
Registered: November 13, 2021
Last post: March 27, 2024 at 9:07 PM
Posts: 98
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Had the right thought process, went about explaining it and handling the mess after terribly. Seems to have been a trend with her recently, not sure if that's a result of people not thinking about what they say on social media, or the fact that they're 16 and not thinking things through yet.

posted about a year ago

It is gonna be leagues, for oce atleast. double elim(I think) open quals into a single round robin with 8 teams(challengers stage 1), which then goes into playoffs for stage 1. rinse and repeat for stage 2, however the winner of stage 2 goes to apac ascension.

posted about a year ago

ig there'll be a scuffed one atleast eventually

posted about a year ago

the real question is where's the Bobo flair

posted about a year ago

probs going back sadge. would need to get signed shortly after getting released or his visa will become invalid.

posted about a year ago

Not a performance issue, it's just that the igl they wanted is a smokes player. Just role issues.

posted about a year ago

He's been benched by Soniqs, don't know if he's trialing for Oxg or just filling in for the tourney(assume it's the former).

posted about a year ago

There's no way the new signings came into this not expecting to possibly roleswap, at the end of the day they have a couple of months to prac. Shifting roles should be fine.

posted about a year ago

I would assume that's why they're t-bagging? unless keenc was dropping it on em in the last series.

posted about a year ago

My guy, that's not trashtalk when he's just hyping his team up.

posted about a year ago

I think it's the other way.... he left to play with City Boys

posted about a year ago

The soar change has messed up the pickems

posted about a year ago

Crunchy last man standing FeelsStrongMan

posted about a year ago
My copium levels are through the roof.

posted about a year ago

aye, that's about it I think? So if they wanna make the leap to bigger salaries then they're going to have to either get onto a better mixed team or progress further in coed as a team. GC currently works as a platform, and that's about it. that's the goal no?

posted about a year ago

GC players don't get paid much afaik

posted about a year ago

Thats the minimum you have to play to get past the first day in t2 tourney open qualies, while in vct open qualies you gotta play 2 bo3's atleast to make it past the first day. Pretty standard.

posted about a year ago

Updates have been pretty slow, I guess they were just waiting for the swiss round for the day to finish before putting up all the data.

posted about a year ago

Mocking is truly the final boss

posted about a year ago

Always good to get tourney reps in, esp if they're changing comps. I think we will see more of them play in these soon.

posted about a year ago

It's only two(or three for winners finals), its more than worth it.

posted about a year ago

They've faced the biggest goliath TSM before so C9 should be easy pickings

posted about a year ago

Cloud9 is the only NA LCQ team that seems to be playing in T2 tournies.

posted about a year ago

It's spanish so he should be able to pick it up pretty quickly, might even be in decent shape for latam lcq/champs.

posted about a year ago

Not to mention the team has DCOP, from the ex-noble/TSM acad squad. Torrify from ZMM aswell. So NA fans are interested aswell.

posted about a year ago

It's in terms of the importance to the players I think. You want to get onto a team in the league as that gurantees you will get a pretty decent salary, as well as consistently getting to play against the best. I have a feeling their might be open quals for masters as well in some shape or form based on what he saying.

posted about a year ago

Leaks dropped like 2 weeks ago about them scrimming, so would have 1 month atleast with the squad.

posted about a year ago

Nice to see Komodo and Conky casting, OCE represent

posted about a year ago

dumping all the sq copium for now towards Order

posted about 2 years ago

he's always been able to use the OP, so transition to chamber would have been smooth for him.

posted about 2 years ago

Jsung won the secondary duelist/flex war.

posted about 2 years ago

Just no BBG Breeze repeat Prayge

posted about 2 years ago

SQ Akrew T1 LG/Rise

posted about 2 years ago

T2 El Classico Soniqs 2-0 RNG

posted about 2 years ago

I just tend to stick to the reddit sub, although most OCE stuff doesn't wind up there. Some from vlr too.

posted about 2 years ago

No, chiefs parted ways with the roster yesterday. presume the mindfreak thing has been in the works for a bit.

posted about 2 years ago

You'll find all the pickem's threads under the stickied threads. If it's not there, it hasn't been created afaik. They don't make a pickems for all tourneys, esp qualifiers. They'll probs do one for the final VCC playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

Crunchy said Bob has been the igl for a while, transitioned in OCE itself. Think iyen just co igled sometimes.

posted about 2 years ago

That's the problem, even rito doesn't know what to do consistently kek

posted about 2 years ago

Sheriff demon Randy couldn't stop em

posted about 2 years ago
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