Flag: Lithuania
Registered: March 18, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 2:04 PM
Posts: 1351
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please, EU is feeling lonely in the LB

posted about a year ago

damn, that's bananas dude

posted about a year ago

it's over mens

posted about a year ago

It will never be NA/EU together, it will always be NA vs EU, even if koreans dominate this game as well

posted about a year ago

Family guy > early seasons of Simpsons > South park

posted about a year ago

The only reason asians didn't dominate cs:go was that Valve never properly released the game in the APAC region. Given proper investment and attention from Volvo, asians would have dominated CS:GO just as much methinks

posted about a year ago

breqker is still here

posted about a year ago

about time eu scene replaced its cs:go boomers with valorant zoomers tbh

posted about a year ago

nah, you guys deserve this moment, especially with actively getting fucked over in the CS:GO era

posted about a year ago

nah, I'm referring to fnatic's inability to deal with the unexpected that was the result of PRX's structure

posted about a year ago

Watching some streamers on EU twitch, I noticed that euro players suck at adapting to playstyles that "don't make sense" to them. Obvious examples would be when turkish playstyles are critiqued with terms like kanka, xantares peeks etc. Think it's time for the supposed pros to drop their elitist mindset of transplanting their cs:go experience into valorant and embrace this game's lack of structure. Turkish playstyle is the correct one to embrace in this game and dismissing it as nonsensical is elitist ignorance.

posted about a year ago

euro players suck at adapting to playstyles that "don't make sense" to them. Should embrace the turkish playstyle that elitists in g2 and other teams tend to dismiss as nonsensical.

posted about a year ago

ackchually I called fnatic a month ago for sucking hard when it matters the most 😎😎😎

posted about a year ago

pretty much the only reason to be on these forums tbh

posted about a year ago

tarik is getting eaten by his arch nemesis burok

posted about a year ago

did trembolona get banned already? :D

posted about a year ago

a childrens game ))

posted about a year ago

confirmation of valolrante being a game for childrens ))

posted about a year ago

weak mental

posted about a year ago

I love in n out burgir

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

most likely some new drip

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

what did you post

posted about a year ago

vlr has more active moderation, hltv only has jonathan e

If moderation was more lax on vlr, it would be just as bad if not worse than hltv

posted about a year ago

Valorant money is in NA, makes sense

posted about a year ago

The current price levels are starting to be rejected by both consumers and producers, caused by the structural supply issues, thereby promoting the slowing down of economic activity. Eventually leading to insolvencies of small to medium size enterprises.

More money is not the cause of all our problems, but excessive monetary stimulus when it actually is not needed, is. The previous abuses of excessive monetary stimulus is what is going to guarantee that another great depression style event is going to occur instead of a more manageable recession. Central banks have unnecessarily abused quantitative easing in the 2010s, arguably going a bit too hard with the stimulus during corona pandemic, which now leaves them with their pants down for the upcoming challenge.

posted about a year ago

wew, that equilibrium theory totally negates the negative consequences of excessive quantitative easing, my bad g. muh central bankers totally independent of political influence definitely did not make this upcoming structural recession worse by having already totally exhausted monetary stimulus when deflation is going to be happening in the next 6 months.

posted about a year ago

yeah guys printing money is totally consequence free and if you disagree you have a child's understanding of economics

posted about a year ago

Most if not all esports players were/are lowkey into crypto, because that was one of the effective ways of making bank on short esports careers whilst giving up on education. Some went all in into crypto, some others were most likely smart enough to diversify. Honestly, we deserve this upcoming recession with all the money printing that has been done since 2009 and people devoting their lives to shill intangible virtual assets on social media like a cult. Hopefully this time the US FED, finally lets natural recession to take its course instead of putting the money printer into an even higher power level.

posted about a year ago

Nah, she is a legend. She actually used to be a pro player unlike other casters

posted about 2 years ago

Telemunda presenta

posted about 2 years ago

Is the VCT slot tied to the org, or does the 3/5 player rule apply here?

posted about 2 years ago

wtf could also be in context of "how the f did you find this out, it's le top secret information no cap this situation is not bussin"

posted about 2 years ago

Hopefully this time it's different and the pattern is broken

posted about 2 years ago

Gonna start falling off hard as the playoffs progress. Such is the fnatic cycle

posted about 2 years ago

You don't need to do compsci degree to learn how to write code. A compsci degree isn't going to teach you how to center a div in css

posted about 2 years ago

EU is very mindlessly nationalistic, you just gotta ignore it.

mans acting as if americans don't beat the shit out of each other just because they are from the wrong state in the east coast area, especially when yankess and red sox play against each other.

posted about 2 years ago

Student athlete scholarships in literal universities, nuff said.

posted about 2 years ago

People keep falling for their baits thereby feeding the trolls. They get off of receiving notifications in their inboxes and creating a feedback loop, where they successfully achieve their goal of getting you to waste your time. Just resist the temptation to click on the "reply" button to foil their hobby.

posted about 2 years ago

yes, I'm inside G2's office walls

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

homework is for kids, I will become a catalytic converter repoman in this economy like a real mens ))

posted about 2 years ago

I'm 12

posted about 2 years ago

hopefully this time it will last until copenhagen masters finals

posted about 2 years ago

boombl4 fucked up the moment he started believing that this gold digger has feelings for him. She probably decided that this was the time to leave him for the 2nd time, so she uploaded bad PR photos of herself which doesn't take much intelligence to figure out that this would somehow affect boombl4. Now she has no more reason to stay with him, because her source of income has been fired from his job

posted about 2 years ago

used to be a high end escort is moscow

posted about 2 years ago
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