Flag: Canada
Registered: April 6, 2021
Last post: October 25, 2022 at 11:35 PM
Posts: 437
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puts NA all on the same side because of sad minor regions like eu. maybe this will give them some small hope of winning and bring pride to their puny region. NA nerfed every event by riot games (tencent chinese company and hates america) and still destroy. embarassing for other regions.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

liquid only here because of riot charity deal with make-a-wish

posted about a year ago

rare brit W. NA tier 2 owns EMEA tier 1

posted about a year ago

EU not getting out of playoffs KEKW WORST REGION DESERVES 0 SLOTS

posted about a year ago

it wont even be last champs, acend uses the EU brain and drops entire roster after winning champs kekw

posted about a year ago

EU wont get out of groups so optic will be fine

posted about a year ago

absolutely right, EMEA is a shit region that only deserves 1 slot.

posted about a year ago

derke and ardiis are the best shitmea has to offer? both chamber 1 tricks, ardiis cant do ANYTHIGN without his chamber crutch, getting rawdogged by cryo. NA owns these fraud emea teams, emea is second worst region

posted about a year ago

your best region is abt to have 0 teams in playoffs

posted about a year ago

not unfortunate, eu is a tier 3 region with 1 good team, liquid only comes to LANs because thwy are make a wish, and fnatic replaces a player every month and progressively gets worse each time. fpx fall off after fluke win. NA owns these frauds

posted about a year ago

kekw 100t covid is an excuse but food poisoning isnt? genius freemea nerds coping tryna make excuses for getting farmed. enjoy flight home shitmea

posted about a year ago

theyre mad hes farming the entire shitmea region with a disabiluty

posted about a year ago

BcJ and Zekken owns freemea fraud region all flukes.
team liquid make-a-wish team and fnatic failure team will get eliminated this week and fpx lose to xset. enjoy the plane home

posted about a year ago

im sure they can find more strong words on the plane home

posted about a year ago

f0rsaken = screaM
jing >> jamppi
nivera =< mindfreak
benkai > dimasick
soulcas >> davai

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no problem, even with jinxes midrx wont be able to get out of groups

posted about a year ago

i may have jinxed it ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

posted about a year ago

check the stats. drx abt to get grouped

posted about a year ago

both are good. bang is better.

posted about a year ago

how are people saying mako is a top 3 controller when bang is banging his entire family and diffing him so hard?? bang owns mako

posted about a year ago

losing to a team without hands even from a hotel room is still pretty sad. i guess thats the standard emea dogs hold their shitty teams to

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

rb is known as a choker on LAN

posted about a year ago

xset 2-0, ange1 and ardiis get distracted thinking bcj is actually fried chicken and throw match kekw

posted about a year ago

100t could beat any FREEMEA team with their hands behind their backs.

posted about a year ago

shitquid and shitnatic are abt to be, while NA is already in the playoffs

posted about a year ago

yeah youre hiding on the planes flying back home cause youre a tier 4 region

posted about a year ago

keep talking 1 team fluke region

posted about a year ago

ccp worshipper talking

posted about a year ago

won 3 international events from hotel rooms right? 1 team region cant be talking freemea is dogshit

posted about a year ago

korea taking home 0 medals and having the mental of 10 year olds kekw.

posted about a year ago

if they do that just proves that shitnatic is the worst team in their group

posted about a year ago

easily. freemea is a 1 team region

posted about a year ago

fnatic got lucky they were able to take 1 map off a team thwts better than them. shitnatic needs to disband and maybe reap their losses by selling derke and alfager, everyone else would be tier 2 in NA

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

when does sentinels play ricky HAAHAHAHAH

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

last 2 maps and boom can get 8 rounds against FNS' calling kekw. if tehbethol didnt have the game of his life first map then it wouldve been an easy 2-0 against bot esports

posted about a year ago

fnatic - overrated onliners

posted about a year ago

im judging the regions as a whole based on all international appearances. NA was far ahead of APAC in 2021 and won Reykjavik this year. Overall theyre superior, currently id give the advantage to APAC

posted about a year ago

vlr formatted my numbers weirdly lol, i fixed it by putting dashes. i forgot abt CN, but they haven't had any international appearances yet, cant judge solely based on APAC LCQ

posted about a year ago

i started with 7-1, vlr formatted it weirdly mb, i fixed it with dashes

posted about a year ago

7 - JP
Strong for 1 tournament, havent shown much results since, got decimated for the entirety of 2021.

6 - Brazil
Strong for 1 tournament, usually placing towards last place at LANs, and havent won any matches against KRU which is why i put latam over them.

5 - Korea
1 Team region, and this one team is known for terrible mental and always subverts their high expectations by faltering when it matters most.

KRU have proven theyre international contenders in 2021 and 2022, and Leviatan had some strong, yet entertaining games on LAN. have never lost a match to brazil on LAN!

3 - APAC
SUPER promising region, with extremely strong teams and contrasting playstyles. Have proven theyre at the top in 2022, with 3rd and 2nd place placements at LAN this year. Champions will decide whether or not theyre a top 2 region.

2 - NA
Extremely strong team in Optic, other teams havent shown nearly as much success (other than sentinels in 2021) . Have some of the best players in the world in this region, yet falter on international stages when playing against EMEA. If NA wins champions they could be considered #1 region in the world. The only other region besides EMEA with LAN wins.

1 - EMEA - region with the highest number of international LAN wins, some of the best players in the world, and are the current champions. FPX and FNATIC are 2 strong teams that have a very high chance of winning champions, and theyre the region that won 2021 Champions. Winning champions will cement them as #1 Region in the world definitively.

posted about a year ago

british + ratio

posted about a year ago

filler spots for a bronze region. it makes other regions look better by farming this tier 4 region

posted about a year ago

gambit ptsd activate

posted about a year ago

outdated statistic, zombs isnt even top 5 earnings anymore. hes a champion but many others are champions too. zombs is gold at best, hes boosted to immortal by his duos

posted about a year ago
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