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Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
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Yeah men do have really poor emotional maturity
most advice from woman though are dogshit, similar to men giving advice to woman purely because it's hard for people to see from another perspective but maybe that's just my experience

posted 10 months ago

Nah just wasn't sure what you were looking for

posted 10 months ago

I mean your 100% right, I'm overplaying for VLR
but if a guy has never had a friend of the opposite sex he probably sees woman as goals not people
I'm guilty of this in my youth for sure

posted 10 months ago

Yeah but unironically though
Like her diehard fans can be similar to swifties
but atleast as a musician she has released interesting ideas
Norman Fucking Rockwell! and Ultraviolence (underrated af) especially

posted 10 months ago

yeah, play both sides and you always come on top

posted 10 months ago

hanafuuji is a guy not an e-girl if that's what your looking for

posted 10 months ago

I have met and dated a few swifties, literally after 1 convo with them you can tell everything about them, nothing will surprise you, they have no hidden surprises, they are like eating chalk

"Let people enjoy things" lol it's Taylor Swift c'mon, she is an impeccably manicured and manufactured pop culture product. We all have our guilty pleasures, I watch anime and go on VLR but if the truest and deepest expression of yourself is reflected by the musical equivalent of McDonalds you're a philosophical zombie. People that are ultra passionate about marvel movies and funkopops are the same.

I eat mcds every now and then but if that's your favourite food that you feel passionate about you don't deserve respect because you have as much depth as a piece of paper

(this only applies to straight woman and gay men, if your a straight man or lesbian that likes taylor swift it makes you interesting)

posted 10 months ago

With how much your on VLR I don't doubt that my guy

posted 10 months ago

and i did have thoughts of dating them but it was just a fixation caused by loneliness and the feeling of being wanted by someone

Too real

I never said it wouldn't be healthier, but I always fall in love and I always shoot my shot

posted 10 months ago

Ok but just so you know I go to bed with all my friends

posted 10 months ago

They are all in love with you or your very unattractive, sorry

posted 10 months ago

Mods took your stars so I know you ain't a trustworthy source,
Mods know best bing chilling

posted 10 months ago

Anyone had a friend of the opposite sex where neither of you ended up falling for the other? (excluding non-straights obv)
Like I feel like any girl that I think is interesting enough to be friends with I end up trying to date

I can imagine a girl that is unattractive but interesting enough to hang out with but I'm yet to meet one

posted 10 months ago

Couldn't you just play it because it's fun?

posted 10 months ago

it's less the parents, more the way he sounds in it

posted 10 months ago

pretty scuffed, although ima be honest,
that video of his dad destroying shit sounds fake as fuck, unless he's on the spectrum
some McJuggerNuggets type shit

posted 10 months ago

Saw the tf2 forum and it looks just like VLR
do they have the same owner or just straight yoinked the code?

posted 10 months ago

If you explain a meme then it's not funny

posted 10 months ago

dw, pacific is far above the other teams (except fnatic ofc) so it's no stress

posted 10 months ago

as a black man

posted 10 months ago

Threaded obviously, linear is actually unreadable, the fact that, that was the standard for forums for so long is insane

posted 10 months ago

holy fuck Teezo Touchdown's manager is working overtime, this guy is on literally everyones album,
can he release a single album atleast

posted 10 months ago

bro burnt it
how does that not just defeat the whole point of GC
guess a 2v2 gamemode would be cool though

posted 10 months ago

was done earlier today, you can't just memejack like that and expect us to fall for it twice

posted 10 months ago

true but toe hasn't released a peak album for over a decade

posted 10 months ago

Sorry bro, I gotta say it like it is, I like FNS but at the end of the day
-yay -marved, just ain't been hitting the same

posted 10 months ago

Even if chris brown wasn't an abuser, who the fuck likes him in 2023

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

I don't play fighting games but riot's been on a roll with everything they put out so I'll check it out

When is the league MMO though pls, wonder if we get that before GTA VI

posted 10 months ago

Finally NA GC is getting on NA's level
impressive drama farm showing

posted 10 months ago

hard drugs

posted 10 months ago

came 5-6th in tokyo, losing a overtime what would have meant a 2-0
Keeping form in china quals
The streets saying they are destroying in scrims

They could have fallen off dispite quals and scrims but otherwise people have been pretty fair tbh, most I've seen put them at about 5th

posted 10 months ago

it's not what I would say but try and tell us how it goes

posted 10 months ago

consistent times going to sleep and waking up

same routine every time, brushing teeth, ect whatever else you do

no screens is ideal but atleast get flux and don't have your face into the monitor

If you can't fall asleep NEVER look at your phone or even check the time, at that point is over

Stop yourself thinking about the future, or about what you need to do, having a book next to you to write down anything about what you need to do tomorrow works well to stop thinking about it now

This is what I did to be able to sleep but if you still can't see a doctor ig

posted 10 months ago

We had tokyo, it'll be another decade before we get another tourney

It would be cool if they did 1 of the 3 tourneys in each of the regions throughout the year

posted 10 months ago

NRG and LOUD being in the top half

Least biased Americas fan

posted 10 months ago

So they did hit military personnel? I never said it didn't also hit civilians, just that you aren't correct in 'They had no military significance at all'.

200k includes people that died later from radiation, even the highest estimates I can find are 350k which pale in comparison to over 10 million

posted 10 months ago

BoDork is memeing but you know if Chet was EU then he would be saying this unironically

posted 10 months ago

go to the val subreddit if you want no baiters,

although because you don't expect it the baiters there are more potent
That fucking u/toxcityisamyth or some shit makes me wanna blow my brains out every time I read her shit

posted 10 months ago

Damn bro that's crazy, did I reply to you?

posted 10 months ago

I think you need to do more research, you realise that ever after russia declared war on japan, AND both nukes dropped they voted 3 - 3 to surrender,
the only reason they actually ended up surrendering is because the emperor decided to vote (which is normally ceremonial-only role) on the condition that the allies would let the emperor be allowed to remain the nominal head of state
There is a reason Japanese soldiers posted in remote places didn't believe japan surrendered when found decades later

There is literally no world where japan surrendered before the planned land invasion of japan a few months after the nukes dropped which was estimated to have >10 million causalities. The nukes killed 200,000 for comparison

Whether or not they should have nuked is hard to say but unarguably less people died then if the nukes hadn't dropped

Also they did have military significance, Hiroshima contained the 2nd Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan.
Nagasaki had one of the largest sea ports in southern Japan and was importance because of the production of ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war materials.

posted 10 months ago


the man who has visted every nation, no one knows where he was born, at this point likely not even himself

posted 10 months ago

honestly watching them I don't know if there is a clear weak link, it's just team dif most times

who gets replaced is more to do with whos free agents then which one of them need to be replaced

posted 10 months ago

bro posts like 1 thing a month and this is what your going with?

posted 10 months ago

I know that nolan is really big in india but in his latest film, 'Oppenheimer', I read in an article that hindu's aren't happy about there being a light sex scene happening while reading hindu text

but is there a lot of people upset or is it just the media trying to spin a narrative?

Not trying to be politics so nothing spicy pls

posted 10 months ago

Bro I felt so bad, like imagine potter is reading this and just getting flamed for shit she didn't even say ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

posted 10 months ago

I don't, I can't aim for shit

and pro play on breeze is the most boring shit aswell, it brings out the most boring abilities, i.e. the ones that take a lot of space like viper instead of omen

posted 10 months ago

It was okay, honestly does not excite me for the album

posted 10 months ago

It's literally called americas?? r u dumb?
it's americas because it's played by americans, america is in NA dumbass
try again

posted 10 months ago

and with demon1 there aswell?
It just fits for them to get 2nd place cursed

fuck me it's over dud

posted 10 months ago
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