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Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: August 26, 2023 at 7:29 PM
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100% stayin on SEN.

posted about a year ago

Kaplan and Sliggy would be the two I prefer but I wouldn't mind Syyko as well.
Kaplan did really well with Ghost in stage 2 and don't forget that Sliggy was the person who made Liquid a championship contender.

posted about a year ago

Shahz needs some coz the haters are getting out of hand.

posted about a year ago

EG could use him instead of Reformed.

posted about a year ago

he's just farming views and impressions.

posted about a year ago

I didn't read this but since it's Trembolona I believe everything he said above.

posted about a year ago

Victor also said in one of his streams that if teams offer them a contract separately, they may have to accept it because they want to play in franchised teams regardless.

posted about a year ago

good luck with your 4th place trophy!!

posted about a year ago

where do you get these numbers from?

posted about a year ago

I don't mind Shahzam staying, he's certainly one of the only fragging IGLs here in NA and his calls in-game have been good in the LCQ. Just a reminder that SEN as a whole had a lot of problems this VCT (losing Rawkus, Sick due to mental issues and Tenz due to sickness in a few games).

However I do need to see a cultural shift in the SEN Valorant roster as a whole. Please drop Rawkus or at least demote him to ass. coach spot. There are many good coaches in NA who are free agents now( Mce, Kaplan, Chet, etc.) and set up an analyst team along with Weltis. Heard that 100T has 3 or 4 analysts. Setting up a proper structure is really important for the org that prioritizes winning.
Winning = Free content!!

posted about a year ago

Even NRG and EG have been silent about their roster's future. Does that mean that they are making 0 changes? I guess we must just speculate or assume until we get concrete assurance from the team itself. SEN can literally sign any player in the world.

posted about a year ago

You do not realize that TGRD and SEN are 2 different teams with different types of players. TGRD are a learning team and all of them play with each other like they're best friends. SEN need a person who can keep the players egos in check and the perfect person who could replace Shahz is FNS or Dephh only. Also there is a huge culture difference in TGRD compared to SEN.

posted about a year ago

True. Valyn or any young IGL won't be a good fit for a team like Sentinels. Regardless of how Shahz's IGLing dropped off this year he acts like a big brother to all the Sentinels' players and the players are willing to listen to him. If Shahz is dropped or benched, I feel like only FNS or Dephh would be the only upgrades and also then you lose some fragging potential from Shahz. Always noticed the fact that good/young teams have always had experienced IGLs.

posted about a year ago

Zellsis going to cloud 9 I guess.

posted about a year ago

When there is so much talent in NA available you should take a few risks. 100T have been known for taking risks; trusting EU players like Ec1s and incorporating players like Will, Stellar and Bang who were tier 2 talent when they were recruited.
I feel like every roster has a peaking moment and afterwards they won't be able to surpass their peak unless they're a super team. Even super teams don't stay at the top for more than 2 years and that's how this scene is. You saw it with Sentinels, Gambit, TGRD and many other teams. I think 100T's roster have reached their peaking moment when they beat Fnatic. I may be wrong though coz the staff at 100T are phenomenal.

posted about a year ago

Tenz plays Victor's role on Optic and Yay plays Chamber/Jett. if a team wants to win I would rather go for a winning combination than playing comfort agents. Also, Tenz's rifling is amongst the top in NA.

posted about a year ago

Do you expect that SEN will have the same mindset like this year? The management has clearly stated that their vision for 2023 is to become No.1 in Content and pro play. I am expecting them to show that in their roster changes itself.

posted about a year ago

You are also forgetting that Mitch played Sage, Cypher and KJ.

posted about a year ago

It's just an assumption that it won't work at SEN. You think the management at SEN won't be committed to winning this year? Their content won't be viewed unless they start winning again and I am sure they are going to make the changes necessary to become the no.1 NA team again.

posted about a year ago

At the end of the day, he will go to a team which will make him feel at home and give him a winning culture, which SEN lacks at the moment. Everyone in NA has the bag but SEN have always had the ability to convince "big" players which no other team has done so far. They literally brought back a guy who never had any intention to play professionally and had always been vocal about it. Yes other teams will offer the role Yay can play but Sentinels' negotiation skills are at +100.

posted about a year ago

Yes, it will be much easier to hold A site.

posted about a year ago

I guess it was really difficult to take sands control during post plant through A ropes as a single smoke was enough to stop pushes and people literally had to drop down from ropes to take fights. Including a ramp like structure allows people to take sands control without directly dropping down and also you can fight entirety of A bombsite instead of only a certain angle on the site. Good change for the defense side.

posted about a year ago

Crashies has been fantastic on Skye and Kay/0 in all tourneys this year.

posted about a year ago

TL won't let ScreaM go for sure.

posted about a year ago

Thinking about this since Mistic got Benched and probably Enzo in the future too.
Leo plays Breach, Sova and Fade and he's definitely one of the best players in EMEA since 2021.
Nats may not make much sense, but hey lately he's been practicing the initiator role in ranked ( ya I know ranked is not a quota for pro-play) and he can also play second smoker on maps like Frac, Bind and Pearl. On a map like Icebox he can play Sage and I am pretty sure he can be cracked on support agents too.
These moves might make Fnatic really good, what do you think?

posted about a year ago

SEN please sign Chet!!

posted about a year ago

Chet and Kaplan should be a must for any NA franchising team.

posted about a year ago

I think with SEN securing franchising, they'll become more serious with the structure and culture of the team. SEN manager said that this year was only a win in content for the team and that in 2023, they want to become no.1 in content and in the pro scene. However I don't think Yay would come to SEN until they offer him a proper structure and that they are actually serious about winning this time around.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Skrossi vs the world is actually happening.

posted about a year ago

Many people say that Franchising will lead to a lot of super teams but I think EMEA already have super team cores within the existing rosters itself. A single or a couple of changes would make them unstoppable in the future whereas in NA the entire rosters have to be shuffled to create super teams.
Looking at the top teams in EMEA :
FPX CORE : Ardiis, Shao, Suygetsu, Zyppan + IGL or keep Ange1
TL CORE : ScreaM, Jamppi, Nivera +IGL + Flex/smoker
Fnatic CORE : Derke, Alfajer, Boaster, + Flex + second caller
Guild CORE : Sayf, Leo, Trexx + IGL + smoker/flex player
M3C CORE : Sheydos, Chronicle, Redgar + Duelist + Smoker/flex
Acend CORE : Cned + Starxo + Monsteer + Smokes/flex +IGL
G2 CORE : Mixwell + Nukkye+ Hoody + Flex + Smoker

What do you think? I feel like orgs in EMEA could obtain 1 or 2 players in a few roles to become super teams instead of shuffling the entire roster.

posted about a year ago

Surely it doesn't stop there. It's going to 1.6 or 1.7 million for sure.

posted about a year ago

These are the SEN fans that exist?

posted about a year ago

They literally came back from 12-8 on Ascent and they're trolling?

posted about a year ago

it's the exact same map veto as Reykjavik!!

posted about a year ago

same veto as Reykjavik but Icebox is 5th map.

posted about a year ago

It's happenning.

posted about a year ago

I think Sayf and Leo will most likely play together in another team.

posted about a year ago

Optic winning Masters and Champs would be cool but I don't know if the script would allow a repeat winner.

posted about a year ago

nope, his chamber has been much better. His Jett was only good during the ignition series and afterwards it wasn't so good.

posted about a year ago

EMEA fans want NA to lose to Loud so that they can boast about EMEA having more trophies than NA until next Champs. However remember that these are the same EMEA fans that belittled Loud after they got grouped in Copenhagen. Remember fans like Olofboost, meyournightmare who said that SA don't deserve 2 LCQ slots and they could give one to M3C instead. Let everyone remember how toxic they were to Brazil before this event.

posted about a year ago

Yes, comparing their map pool from Reykjavik, they have improved a lot.

posted about a year ago

Looking forward for a NA, BR, LATAM domination across all events next year, especially the kickoff tourney.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Its over. GGs DRX

posted about a year ago

I was expecting it

posted about a year ago

Look at the comments after the previous map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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