Flag: Norway
Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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Ehhhh. EMEA practically has 3 regions. Like even if they do underperform. EMEA is just a larger playerbase. I do agree that Japan should just have 1 slot for now though. Because Japan deserve 1 spot because they actually care about the game. But the country of japan is just kinda small so I think 1 is enough.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Yea :(

posted about 3 years ago

The funny thing is that this shitty take from this tsm fan. Is slightly right. I'm not sure though if FPX is the best to beat SEN tho. I think Gambit, Guild, or Dfuseteam(Now known as BDS) could be just as likely to be a counter to Sentinels. If Gambit just bring the insane scrim things to real games. They have a case for being the best team in the world, but that won't happen probably for now so Gambit I guess is not the best example. Guild is actually smeag. But intense smeag. Like Faze has smeag. But guild literally gets on site within like 15 seconds. They're relentless. And then BDS is looking pretty trash now but before they had like really good clutches and just overall really well rounded players who are self sufficient. I'm not sure if they would beat sentinels at their own game but BDS could've who knows. I'm not sure who at the moment would beat Sen. I think the Turkish Blaze roster and the new G2 and the new team heretics that lowel is creating are all possibilities. But we have to wait until Masters Berlin to know if those rosters will be able to compete with Sentinels.

posted about 3 years ago

Why are you on this site to just create shitty takes. Like bro chill.. Also the thing about the liquid comp is that they all are very good with their aim. Sliggy did this comp because Scream was actually making the rest of the team worse because he played so aggressively and so recklessly. An example of this is vs Team Heretics. Scream dropped like 40 or smth but TL still lost. The reason for that was because Scream just forced the rest of his team to just give him everything so he can kill stuff. Which just gives a bad mindset for the team. Needless to say. The internet shitted on everyone else on team liquid even though for the most part. At that time they were all fantastic players. I get how you would think that though.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think them getting a VCT slot would be that risky. I think there are some really strong players in India who could bring some amazing takes on the game to LAN. If they cheat. Then that person who cheated will be banned, simple as that. If multiple people cheat, just ban them. There's no reason to blame a whole region if certain people are cheating. Like imagine if all of NA was denied their VCT spot if 3 upcoming teams apparently all cheated their way up to masters but then were found out. Also I think Riot Games are probably already working on creating a VCT spot for India because they care about countries and regions who care about their game. Such as turkey and japan. Japan is surprisingly invested in this game which is strange to say the least and Riot is rewarding them with 2 spots in masters berlin. It's sad that turkey don't have a way to qualify in their own region and have to go against the EMEA superhouses but they do care about the scene considering how much resources they put into it. Turkey is a striving scene with probably some of the strongest fanbases(might be even stronger than brazil lmao). But yea I think riot will give India a VCT spot. The question is when?

posted about 3 years ago

I agree that we should wait for tomorrow. I feel like people are rushing to give hot takes. Oh yea that ABX and T1 game that Sentinels lost and almost lost. ABX are really good. They'll still be really good. But Sentinels are a slow starter for some reason so they kinda just flopped in the early parts. And T1 abused the shit out of the meta. I think T1 and ABX will be very strong teams. But I think the current Sen will be much better than them. But as you said. We should wait to see what happens tomorrow and what happens at Masters Berlin and the time inbetween.

posted about 3 years ago

I will remember this for Masters Berlin. This is a hot af take so ill just screenshot this for then.

posted about 3 years ago

Jammyz is still carrying his load with his frags and his util. I feel like people are underestimating how well Jammyz is doing. I feel bad for wippie that he couldn't get a visa. But this proved that Jammyz is a top level player. It's not as much of a difference as people expect, although v1 would have done better with Wippie probably. (Jammyz usually had a very high acs during the tourney, right? at least he seemed to play almost up to par in Wippies place). I think V1 would've looked much better with Wippie but I still think they would get eliminated by Fnatic.

posted about 3 years ago

They will get one more slot at Masters Berlin :)

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic's bind is gonna be much harder to crack. Because the comp on bind is literally just a good one which they play very well and intelligently. Shahzam would have to really stretch his 5head to find out ways to counter it. Fnatic have practically perfected how to play it even though they don't have a 100% winrate on it. Team liquids play style on it is much more loose and also much newer and it's not played as effectively. I think if Sentinels let bind through. It's a troll and a throw. Like maybe they could figure out ways to counter. But it's a ton easier to win on other maps.

posted about 3 years ago

Brim has his uses on certain maps. Such as bind. He just has so much better stall at times and his postplant is stronger as well. Also you can just pour ult orbs onto brim and he can bring so much value with his ult which works on bind. I think Astra is better on most maps. But brim has his places where he can absolutely be better than astra. Don't get me wrong tho. The brimstone split comp from liquid is 100% outdated but the fnatic brimstone viper comp which most teams from eu run is still very powerful.

posted about 3 years ago

I actually. kinda agree that EU is kinda screwed if liquid win.

posted about 3 years ago

T1 adapted to the meta quicker than anyone in NA. And they seemed to be pretty proficient at adapting. Also spider and the old dudes from cs still have the aim. I don't think T1 are gonna be just deleting teams out of existence. But they shouldn't be underestimated.

I still like c9 tho lmao. I think c9 has some of the best firepower in NA other than like sentinels or smth. Leaf and poiz are an insane duelist duo which just ravages on people and floppy is getting really good at the game at an astounding pace. Mitch has been really consistent and xeta is a very good sova. He clutches well and he just does well. I think if c9 improved well. They could be slightly better than 100t. But that all depends on what c9 did in this downtime.

posted about 3 years ago

Rio company 2-1 I like Rio Company and I think they can pull it off.

posted about 3 years ago
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