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Registered: August 6, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:12 AM
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You could really tell this by how he played chamber in LCQ, game sense is like the most important tool in in lurks and timings but he costed them many times. He did put up incredible numbers but he could've done much more.

posted 11 months ago

All that og Sentinels needed was a real coach. We don't even take away from the fact that they were still playing insane with Rawkus and took a map off Optic core without any coach during that first season in 2022. Truly had so much potential if they could've got Sean Gares or Sliggy during their prime. And people think "oh sentinels just won cuz they were out aiming everyone", is that not what Fnatic, Evil Geniuses, and Paper Rex have been doing? The only difference is that they have a support system and a org that is willing to do anything for the team(Getting Demon1 a visa for Tokyo, Signing whatever players Boaster and Mini wanted,etc).

posted 11 months ago

I assure you that if Boaster and Derke didn't have mini and the structure fnatic provided them, they would be playing in VRL. Sentinels fucked up their own team more than anything by allowing poor work ethic/complacency after they won.

posted 11 months ago

Difference between fnatic and sentinels is this:

Leo best player on guild
Chronicle best player on m3c/gambit
Alfajer top 2 on fnatic
Derke best player on fnatic
Boaster reputable igl and brought fnatic far many times

Now look at sentinels:

Sacy a very good side player to aspas and set him up greatly
Pancada very underrated on controller but the role switch and we haven’t seen him the same
Marved undisputed top 2 on Optic core
Zekken 2nd best on XSET
TenZ best on SEN
Dephh a decently proven igl (5th-6th in champs) doable but very risky to entrust the role to.

Now here’s the problem:
Sykko Head Coach of Sentinels while the best achievement he’s had is 5th/6th and relied on building up rosters, he’d be better on teams with up comer players than champion contending, Kaplan new head coach that didn’t even make NA LCQ…

This is not americas super team, instead of a failure from upper management, sentinels could’ve been truly great if they invested into coaching staff. Not blaming dephh because runi did not make it to challengers even but with the help of mCe who is proven to be able to make lans and foster great talent, created him into something.

posted 11 months ago

true fnatic with coaching staff same with liquid was dogshit honestly

posted 11 months ago

makes an account to hate, quite sad.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Comps from the stone age work. The meta ascent comp, jett raze omen cypher sage split, kj viper icebox, etc. I do agree though lack of utilizing chamber and astra fucked them but they've been solid in the metas that have no op character that the game revolves around.

posted about a year ago

this post is so sad but I'm just assuming it's bait

posted about a year ago

You are not ok, get help.

posted about a year ago

ya he did just wide swing into 3 that last round on ascent, but they didn't pick him up to frag. Their calls looked solid though both games.

posted about a year ago

He's igl, he's allowed to perform that bad.

posted about a year ago

"s0m > marved any day marved fell off" Just cuz he isn't competing at the moment doesn't mean he has fell off. He was one of the biggest reasons they won Iceland and got out of groups in Copenhagen.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I remember people saying that for 2021 Sentinels lool.

posted about a year ago

people forget that Envy/optic was a 5th/6th place team without yay. But when they got yay they actually just used him so efficiently.

posted about a year ago

Leaf = Victor - Victor does his role the best but Leaf frags harder and has more potential on Neon

Crashies > Zellsis - Man this shouldn't be even considered. Crashies is so much more impactful on his role and the amount of LANs he's played compared to Zellsis also should play into question.

posted about a year ago

he just means best of the best like vct masters/champs

posted about a year ago

Remember when literally everyone here said Chet was a bad coach haha

posted about a year ago

We've seen this in the past, the teams that don't come from LCQ or do good in the event prior to champs will do good. I can see XSET being very good just because of the fact nobody has vods on them atm and the fact Cryo and Zekkan are great on LAN. I think 100T will do good also, they have the best coaching staff in the tournament and they are going against strat heavy teams(I see 100t qualifying through LB). Optic is a wild card but if they can reinvent themselves in the 2 weeks Bootcamp(Using new comps and changing tendencies) they will be good because they have the fragging for it.

posted about a year ago

Boom vs Xerxia

posted about a year ago

People said the same about yay when he first tried chamber.

posted about a year ago

I think TenZ is a great duelist, the stats show him being a great chamber but he wasn't getting as much impact as other chambers when it came to lurks and the slow-style chambers play. Maybe it was just a lack of reps on chamber but I saw many times where he would forget to trip certain spots and lack of tp usage for excessive lurking like what yay and other chambers in NA do(dicey, yay, bdog,) and some chambers in eu(nats, sayf, there are more just don't watch eu that much).

posted about a year ago

Prolly Zellsis being the main entry most maps.

posted about a year ago

He said it's hard to igl from the role and it would mess with other role issues, with Dapr being out of place. I just think with good vision and people getting out of comfort zones these roles are literally the most ideal roles for them to frag individually and also support each other. Imagine how much more impact Shahzam can when he has an op, he proved it against Optic on Bind for a couple of rounds. If dapr or someone else on the team got comfortable and took up his role it would be just great. Not saying TenZ is a bad chamber but we've seen in 2020/2021 what Shahz can do on Jett, TenZ can do on being a second entry, Sick being the main entry on phoenix.

posted about a year ago

I just think the biggest issue from Sentinels is just the roles, if they figure their shit down they will all be at max potential. TenZ was great on reyna now all reyna players are on kayo/skye(sheydos,mada, zeek,asuna, more people). Shahzam was a great jett opper and passive like yay in a way and now all jett oppers are on chamber(I don't need to list). List can really go on for all players on that core roster having most sentinels switch to initiator or smokes while dapr kept playing chamber for stage 1 and stage 2. Sick also being a primary entry not playing the entry roles while TenZ a second entry was forced onto the entry role just because of terrible role decisions.

Ideal Sentinels(with zombs and sick)

Shahz - Chamber
TenZ- skye/kayo
Sick - Neon/Raze
Dapr - Sova/Fade
Zombs - Controller

posted about a year ago

This is what I expected them to do in the beginning, not saying dapr's style is selfish but I think he thrives being the controller with lurks and stuff(we saw this on viper). Fragging smokes players are the meta rn also and Shroud is just better off on a role which is all about setting up people(fade, kayo, sova). And if you disagree with fragging smokes not being meta look at all the teams that have won in these LCQ matches, most of them have a smokes player that is second or 3rd on acs(purely frags not counting other forms of impact).

posted about a year ago

I edited, I meant breeze.

posted about a year ago

That's what people said about ascent and now the correct triple initiator comp on ascent can work. Not saying it is the ONLY option but saying somethinng doesn't work in valorant is so bs, we've seen PRX run no viper on breeze and Sentinels and OGLU run 0 duelist on breeze.

posted about a year ago

I think no duelist is fine as long as you replace breach with sova

posted about a year ago

They had more success on T side their CT was terrible.

posted about a year ago

A lot of of heroics from 100t, and clean rounds/retakes from them. Some moments from SEN players that costed them rounds and a lot of heroics but their fracture looked really nice.

posted about a year ago

parasocial fr get help

posted about a year ago

rat debuff but 100t can't win a series since first strike?

posted about a year ago

no shit he is washed bro he hasn't played in like 4-5 years.

posted about a year ago

curry fragged against t3 players not saying he isn't terrible but he's just gonna be a role player on this team not a fragger like xeppa and leaf, and when you're gonna be a role player you might as well have xeta over curry.

posted about a year ago

idk how people can hate random people online who you don't even really know

posted about a year ago

Split will be played in LCQ, and Pearl will take its place in Champs.

posted about a year ago

if they nerf chamber jett will come back in meta, rn the reason why neon/raze are being used so much is because they can still have a awper as a chamber. I do think though chamber breaks all fundamentals of awping and makes the role way too easy so we might also see a future where jett awping might not exist because people play agents like neon/raze/kayo/breach so it makes Jett awping impossible as compared to awping on chamber. Pros always prove these takes wrong though so I wouldn't be surprised to see TenZ or yay go back to awping on jett.

posted about a year ago

Too early to tell how PRX FPX and Optic will do in the long run. Remember how gambit/sen/acend barely had any roster changes last year and they still managed to fall off so they have to make roster moves now. If Optic continues a top 3 pace for the next 2-3 events this will be correct.

posted about a year ago

shahz was on kayo and dapr was on fade

posted about a year ago

Move dapr to smokes so dapr fits in this meta. This allows for either shahzam to full time chamber or tenz to full time chamber. Kanpeki can go perma duelist(neon,raze) or go kayo for tenz to go full time entry duelist while shahz is the primary op on sentinels. What made sentinels good in the past was how good their opping is and when chamber came out it was dapr playing who isn’t an awper compared to shahz/tenz. This move also allows you to invest into a really solid igl if shahz wants to stop doing the role since it’s hard on chamber or smthn.

posted about a year ago

Also, get Shahzam an analyst and 2 coaches, it will help so much with this team. The chances of this happening are slim but they need it for LCQ.

posted about a year ago

I think they change roles, actually play towards the meta with TenZ on the chamber and dapr learning a second initiator and moving kanpeki to hardcore entry because he super effective at making space on neon. I think with this move they will be much more flexible, if the meta changes again they still have kanpeki on initiator and dapr back on original sentinel, I just feel like they aren't using the tenz and kanpeki duo to it's full potential like babybay and dicey.

posted about a year ago

you know nothing about basketball if you deny Lebron James success and no shit lebron james won't thrive in golden state system, so many players won't succeed in that system because it's a different type of basketball golden state play.

posted about a year ago

Not even ENVY at their best, envy didn't have that much practice with yay and their coach was stuck at home because of visa issues.

posted about a year ago

tenz on chamber would mess up roles since they haven't got a flex player. Kanpeki moves to raze then who is gonna play kayo/skye. I think tenz on chamber is best for them but knowing like the history of Sentinels roles, dapr will always be a sentinel on the team and won't play initiator which isn't good since all the ex-cypher/kj players have now adopted smokes or initiator. It's just a team decision and they want tenz on duelist but don't set him up well. He's perfect on lurks during iceland era and being that second entry.

posted about a year ago

tier 2

posted about 2 years ago

age don't matter too much this guy is owning a bunch of teenagers and players in their early 20s.

posted about 2 years ago

He's always been pretty good, his aim was insane on TSM it's just he was never put in situations to succeed in, he was like an ultra flex for TSM meaning he played like 4 different roles constantly for 3-4 months straight.

posted about 2 years ago
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