Update: The initial report included the departure of pyth as well, but has since been modified.

G2 Esports G2 Esports Inactive is set to part with David " Davidp " Prins according to an article released by neL of 1pv.

VALORANT: G2 Esports to bench pyth & davidp. Here is my report.


Update: Sources inside G2 confirmed that changes were ongoing. However Pyth will remain while davidp will be out of the team. G2 should comment in the upcoming days.

I was intially told that Pyth was offered to different teams and on his way to Guild. Things might have changed. twitter.com/neLendirekt/st…

Dominant since its inception, the roster that was formed around Mixwell is looking to make changes after a narrow defeat to Team Heretics Team Heretics Europe Rank #2 MiniBoo Dominykas Lukaševičius Wo0t Mert Alkan RieNs Enes Ecirli benjyfishy Benjamin David Fish Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius , the eventual First Strike champions. Specifically, G2 is looking to recruit an in-game leader to pilot the lineup, a position the team has been lacking thus far.

Prior to the most recent tournament loss in First Strike, G2 had won six consecutive major tournament titles, the most of any team in Valorant history.

The reported G2 Esports G2 Esports Inactive roster is now: