bleed and ge

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do people SERIOUSLY think ge is worse than bleed? the gameplay this bleed offers is one of the worst ive ever seen in my life, they play worse than teams did back in 2020
Its actually insane how people are sleeping on GE right now

GE beat (a nerfed but still good) RRQ 2-0, almost beat Talon 2-0, and had a good showing against ZETA.
Meanwhile Bl00d's only win was against DFM, they couldnt even make it remotely close against all the other opponents.

Also i dont know how T1 swept through to playoffs, losing to DFM (which honestly isnt even that bad) but still showing horrible gameplay, GE deserved it WAY more IMO.


battle of mid


There is some truth in that but I fear GE might not have faced teams when they were playing their best (except zeta I think they brought their best game that day otherwise would have lost)

Do love the team though lmao they're all so funny and the vibes are great I'm NGL I do hope they make it to champs

cboomer [#2]

battle of mid

You should not be talking about mid with that M8 flair bud

BoringGuy [#3]

There is some truth in that but I fear GE might not have faced teams when they were playing their best (except zeta I think they brought their best game that day otherwise would have lost)

Do love the team though lmao they're all so funny and the vibes are great I'm NGL I do hope they make it to champs

agreed, big fan of them, hope they improve lots over split 2 🙏


Bleed definitely should be better.
To put it into perspective, I'll explain using rating system on some crucial aspect (0 bad 5 good)

Bleed :
Skill : 4 Teamwork : -4 Mentality : 3 Y0y : -5 (Total -2)

GE :
Skill : 2 Teamwork : 1 Mentality : 1 (Total 4)

ChowChow [#6]

Bleed definitely should be better.
To put it into perspective, I'll explain using rating system on some crucial aspect (0 bad 5 good)

Bleed :
Skill : 4 Teamwork : -4 Mentality : 3 Y0y : -5 (Total -2)

GE :
Skill : 2 Teamwork : 1 Mentality : 1 (Total 4)

BLEED is just a shitfest in general, you have y0y who is playing an agent he cannot play, sS🐍 who is just baiting the entire team every game for stats, then you remove 2 players after kickoff, the coach is on fraudwatch and the team environment is probably not good at all according to the other members before.

welikefortniteandvalorant [#4]

You should not be talking about mid with that M8 flair bud

battle of mid

welikefortniteandvalorant [#4]

You should not be talking about mid with that M8 flair bud

compared to ge and bleed we are astralis

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