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If heretics win 2-1 vs KC

M8 win 2-0 vs Liquid

Does m8 qualify on maps?

would be 6-5 for HER and 6-4 for M8

or is it round diff first


map diff first


If that happens TH would be 7-5 on maps and m8 would be 6-4

TH would likely qual because their round diff is much better

m8 pretty much need TH to lose


IF M8 lose 0-2, they do not qualify.
IF M8 lose 1-2, and TH lose 0-2, there will be a two-way tie by maps and it will come down to rounds tiebreaker between TH and M8 (M8 right now are 19 rounds behind TH).
IF M8 lose 1-2, and TH lose 1-2, M8 do not qualify, since TH beats M8 by maps diff.
IF M8 win and TH lose, M8 qualify.

IF M8 win, TH win and NAVI win, there will be a two-way tie by games between TH and M8, so it will come down to maps tiebreaker:

  • IF M8 win 2-0 but TH also win 2-0, then M8 will lose map tiebreaker and not qualify.
  • IF M8 win 2-0 but TH win 2-1, it will come down to rounds tiebreaker (M8 are 19 behind rn).
  • IF M8 win 2-1, TH win, then M8 do not qualify.

IF M8 win, TH win but NAVI lose, there will be a three-way tie by games between these 3 teams, so it will come down to maps tiebreaker.
... nah it takes too long.
basically all the ties between TH and M8 here are the same as in case where NAVI win, so I just type the ties between M8 and NAVI:

  • IF NAVI lose 1-2, while M8 win 2-0, it will come down to rounds tiebreaker between them (M8 are 29 rounds behind)
  • IF NAVI lose 1-2, while M8 win 2-1, then M8 are lower than NAVI.
  • IF NAVI lose 0-2, while M8 win 2-0, then M8 are higher than NAVI, and qualify for playoffs.

There's no way M8 qualify for Masters so no need to calculate ifs

SimoVatrogasac [#5]

There's no way M8 qualify for Masters so no need to calculate ifs

pretty naive considering heretics and kc qualified last time around

if we can beat vitality like that i think its pretty safe to say we can beat the other top teams too, maybe not 13-5

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