- Winner of current majors (SEN)
- the rest of the world
I dont believe about the terms of (best player itw) (best team itw) valorant know is full of skillfull players but the main diffrence is who is the most prepared team who is the most drilled, and Thats how i see it, on that day SEN was more prepared than NRG and am not saying NRG is bad i know this team will achieve a lot this year.
this is how i see it and am happy to be proved wrong.
Its true
NRG clearly better on ascent just look at it perfect calls from ethan
Sunset we were clearly better and outreading SEN so hard but we lost to individual heroics
If you don’t believe we watch FNS’s VOD review of the match. He says NRG had the right read and right site stacked pretty much EVERY TIME. But NRG couldn’t hold because of TenZ and zekken
Take it as you want to see it bro, the better team won, not because of heroics or smth, the most drilled practiced won that day and it was SEN, finally they will rematch and I will congrats the wining team in the end, it called sportsmanship no need to trash talk either orgs or denying credits from the winner, both are goated and distant to achieve a lot.