I’m curious how many people actually enjoy valorant, and not tired of it and stuff like that.
Personally I do not enjoy being a shit player so I mainly watch VCT rather than play lately
i usually play when the pro season is on cuz watching matches makes me wanna play
but recently i havent played the game and im pretty sure its czu the meta is so shit
u get iso deadlock and gekko insatlockers and its just boring no comms run ti down so i stopped playing regular ranked without a duo
i won premier tho and that was really really fun
yeah like me and my friends dont really wanna stay up until 10pm just to play a silly tournament that doesn't really gain us anything, we could just play another game, or some of us have work/school the next day so i just kinda give up on that stuff, and honestly ive given up on competitive stuff in general because the mid tier range of ranks are just filled with geeks that make it insufferable