1.USA: ShahZaM, SicK, dapr, nitr0, Asuna
2.Canada: TenZ, gMd, steel, effys, penny
3.Russia: nAts, Chronicle, Shao, Cloud, sheydos(I know the roles are really weird but you throw Shao on jett and raze than the others can fill everything else)
4.Sweden: Zyppan, Sayf, Leo, Yacine, Bonkar
5.Turkey: cNed, russ, MOJJ, Brave, Turko(cNed and russ are no doubters the last 3 are questionable and I don't watch enough Turkish val to know the best 3 to fill out the rest of the team)
6.Brazil: mwzera, sacy, qck, heat, sutecas(I don't watch much Brazilian Valorant at all but from what I've heard and based on some stats this seems like at least one of the best Brazilian rosters that could be made)
7.Korea: solo, Lakia, xeta, t3xture, peri
8.France: kAdavraa, logaN, rodeN, AKUMAAAAA, Newzera
9.Lithuania: nukkye, Destrian, vakk, ceNder, hype
10.Finland: derke, Jamppi, BONECOLD, shed, JESMUND
11.U.K: Boaster, soulcas, L1nk, Luzuh, Mistic
12.Spain: Mixwell, Koldamenta, eXerZ, Fit1nho, Yurii
13.Belgium: ScreaM, kinguyen, iDex, Aegis, DavidP
14.Thailand: Patiphan, Sushiboys, sScary, foxz, Kadoom
15.Germany: AslaN, Obnoks, murii, nico, luckeRRR
16.Poland: zeek, starxo, Mickebwoy, maniek, UNFAKE
17.Ukraine: Ange1, Arch, Kiles, AnjK, Sparkle
18.Denmark: AvovA, Zik, SEIDER, matti, Davud
19.Belarus: zeddy, Coffee, 7ssk7, SimonD4rk, diseased
20.Japan: Laz, Reita, takej, Feez, neth
21.Hungary: szimpli, specimen, Haxtrax, bzt, DeadFox
22.Czech Republic: MAGNUM, Elysium, Ambi, Jesse, bobys
23.Argentina: Nozwerr, Klaus, saadhak, franzera, katax(again haven't watched any of these guys play other than a bit of saadhak)
There's some more like India that I just don't know anything about(I know SkRossi but that's it) so I didn't include them.